What’s your favorite part about working in social media? 

The question is quite significant, considering my extensive journey through the world of social media, which began unexpectedly when I launched my Myspace account back in 2004. Over the years, I invested hundreds of hours in classes and seminars to grasp online marketing strategies. By 2007, I plunged into a full-time B2B social media influencer role, and in 2011, I founded my own B2B social media marketing agency, which expanded globally by 2015. With two decades of experience in social media marketing and witnessing its evolution, I must say that my favorite aspect of this field is its dynamic and ever-evolving nature. 

I’m a curious lifelong learner and effectively utilizing social media necessitates continuous learning. Platforms rise and fall (who remembers the days of Google Plus, Vine, and Meerkat?), and social platforms constantly undergo changes and name alterations, (Metaverse, X). Algorithms evolve incessantly, with the rules often being written as we navigate this realm called social media. It’s a fast-paced environment where trends and technologies are in a constant state of flux, presenting new challenges and opportunities daily, which keeps me, and my colleagues, engaged and the work truly fascinating.

Furthermore, I have a deep appreciation for the creative freedom that social media offers. Crafting captivating content, devising unique strategies, and discovering innovative ways to connect with our B2B audience is exceptionally gratifying. It’s akin to being a digital artist, using various platforms as canvases to convey brand messages. 

Another aspect that I find incredibly rewarding is the direct line of communication that social media provides with our target audience. Engaging with our followers, promptly addressing their inquiries, and collecting real-time feedback all contribute to building stronger relationships, which are the foundation of both personal and professional success. 

Additionally, the abundant data and analytics available on social media platforms are invaluable. These insights enable us to gauge the impact of our campaigns, fine-tune our approaches, and make data-driven decisions. Witnessing the tangible results of our efforts through metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions is truly fulfilling.

This is most likely a much longer answer to this question than my team had anticipated, but you might expect that I would have a few favorite things about working in social media since I have committed my professional career to this practice. In summary, my favorite aspects of working in social media encompass its dynamic nature, creative opportunities, direct customer interaction, and the ability to make data-driven decisions. It’s a field that continually challenges me to adapt and innovate, and I find immense satisfaction in helping brands thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

What are three words you would use to describe yourself?

Insightful, imaginative and empathic.

What’s one thing people don’t know about you?

I am a hobbyist textile artist. I’m a maker. I love to make things with my own hands.

What’s something that you’ve learned in your career that’s inspired you to keep moving forward?

“This too shall pass.” This phrase, which I consider my personal mantra, holds profound significance for me during both challenging and prosperous times. Its wisdom serves as a constant reminder that I must persist in the face of adversity, knowing that even the most difficult moments are temporary. It also keeps me grounded during periods of abundance, urging me to appreciate the present while staying prepared for the inevitable changes life brings. In essence, it underscores the universal truth that the only certainty in life is change.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

I just completed a Laughter Yoga teacher training with Dr. Madan Kataria, the Laughter Guru in India who brought laughter yoga to the world. I became a certified Laughter Yoga instructor. 

What’s your secret passion?

Well, I’m not sure if it’s much of a secret, but I’m absolutely head-over-heels in love with fiction, especially sci-fi and fantasy. Whether it’s diving into fantastical worlds through books or conjuring up my own tales in my wildly imaginative mind (shhh, it’s a secret unless you’re a mind-reader!) — I just can’t resist the allure of storytelling. And hey, maybe my unpublished scribbles count as my secret writing endeavors too!

What’s your 2024 New Year’s resolution?

My 2024 New Year’s Resolution revolves around my role as a technology futurist. While exploring emerging technologies and peering into the future is undeniably intriguing, it can sometimes lead me to ponder existential questions and become overly absorbed in the serious aspects of life. I’ve come to realize that this preoccupation doesn’t necessarily contribute to my own well-being or the well-being of those around me in the present moment. That’s why my resolution for 2024 is quite simple: I want to learn to laugh more.

I aspire to be closer to joy, to the point where I can genuinely laugh out loud, not just quietly appreciate humor internally. It may seem amusing that I’m setting out to “learn” how to laugh, especially out loud, but for me, it’s not as effortless as it may be for others. I’ve had moments where, even in the midst of watching a comedy show with my son and husband, I’ve struggled to burst into laughter. My son once asked me why I didn’t laugh at something he found hilarious, and my husband, who knows me well, explained that when I’m smiling, I’m actually laughing on the inside.

This observation got me thinking, and I began to notice that I don’t often express laughter outwardly. This realization prompted me to delve into the many health benefits of laughter, and being someone who takes action, I couldn’t let this insight pass without doing something about it. So, I embarked on a journey of research, attending laughter yoga classes, and eventually obtaining certification as a Laughter Yoga instructor for 2024. Here’s to a year filled with more laughter, and with practice, the hope of many more joyful years ahead.

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