Tamara McCleary of Thulium Quoted by Forbes as Top CMO Influencer


In a March 1, 2016 article in Forbes, Tamara was quoted by Kim Whitler as a top CMO Influencer along with seven other influencers of Chief Marketing Officers on social media.  In the article, Tamara shared:

Influence is never gained by position, but rather, influence is gained by a much deeper, intimate human connection.  Influence is built through the exquisite combination of intellectual IQ and emotional IQ to offer not only thought leadership but the ability to so elegantly and deeply understand and connect to another human being that they are moved to empathize and take action. Take the time to create real connections, interact and be human. This is the only way I know how to create true influence.  Let us not mistake popularity for influence. No one ever sacrificed themselves for popularity; however since the dawn of time we have willingly gone to battle and given our lives when influenced.

You can read the entire article, Top CMO Influencers: Who Are They And What Can You Learn From Them? by clicking here.

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